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Recurring Events & Groups

Sunset Yoga

Mondays 5pmStudio 2


Join us for a community Yin Flow Yoga class designed to help you melt away stress while calming your mind and body, fostering a sense of self-nourishment and peace.


Each session combines gentle yin yoga and warming flow to balance energy, strength, and flexibility. Experience the perfect blend of movement and tranquility as the sun sets.


All levels of experience are welcome!

Located at the Source

Studio 2 between the deck and the garden

1111 Carlisle Blvd SE

Albuquerque, NM 87016


Drop-in suggested donation: ($12-$15)

10 - class pass also available

*% of your donations are shared with local charities*


Venmo or cash accepted

Marisa Hernandez@Marisa-Hernandez-50


Come to the session a few minutes early if this is your first time, to meet and to sign a waiver before participating.


If you are interested in booking a single or group session contact

Sunset Bloom Yoga (2).HEIC

    Grateful Breakthrough

A Stress-Relieving, Empowering and Uplifting Experience Every Monday Evening
Studio 1(Bluroom)
Meeting room across from deck on coffee shop patio or on zoom.

5:15-6:15pm Somatic Stress Relief (EFT Tapping and more...)

6:15-7pm Grateful Space, gratitude circle

​7:00-7:30 Potluck

​7:30pm-9pm Sacred Knowing, Systemic & Family Constellation.


Drop in anytime for any one of these groups or stay for all.

​Suggested Donations are welcome. $5-$35 Cash, Check.

Venmo: @Charey-Fox or Cashapp: $ChareyKindFox 

​Zoom links for the gathering

Meeting ID:  852 7017 1615

Password: 603859


Text Charey 505-991-0839 to RSVP or to schedule private session. 


Caring For Helpers

Every 2nd Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30pm

Studio 2          Donations: $10-$30

This is a safe and welcoming space for anyone who works with people; this could be anything from healthcare to graphic design to law. We invite you to bring relationships with difficult clients in order to find some altitude and a new perspective. Come as you are, there are no prerequisites to join.
Wanni and Tyler hold a non-judgmental container to facilitate deeper understandings of difficult or troubling situations. In these groups we make room for empathetic emotional reflection to help create clarity and new avenues to navigate relationship dynamics.

Participating can help refine important client-provider relationship skills: Increase self-awareness to aid in authentic interactions Increase patience and non-defensiveness with clients Connect with others and facilitate community-building Feel less isolated, less shame, and more open to learning Increase engagement and resilience Prevent burnout ​ Wanni Zhou, PhD is a tender-hearted, non-pathologizing psychologist committed to meeting people where they are and supporting the connection between mind, body, community, and the Earth. Her culture and background working with under-served populations informs her warm and emotion-focused decolonized framework. To book privately with her go to ​ Tyler Begg is a Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Practitioner and Trauma-Informed Life Skills coach with a background in Parts-work, counseling and Compassionate Inquiry. He is constantly learning and looking for practical, approachable, results-oriented methods of personal growth, and healing. To book privately with him go to

Located: 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 
in Studio 2. (If you enter through the wooden gate on Carlisle Blvd you will see a courtyard patio. Inside there is a wooden deck, just beyond this further West. (on your left hand side) is a glass double-door. Come right in!)

White Structure

Mantra Chanting

5:15-6:00p Every Wednesday



Hosted By Kris Sage Grant this ongoing weekly mantra space will be held for the benefit of all.


We will explore how to embody the mantra/ chanting, using it to align our Heart, imagination, and Speech Chakra (vocal cords). As we immerse ourselves in the vibrations of the chant, we may naturally release "negative self-talk," experiencing a sense of peace and clarity that lingers long after our session.


Each gathering will also highlight a favored healing modality or remedy, offering effective tools for spiritual growth and well-being. We warmly welcome your input and shared experiences!


Meeting in person at Together Source every Wednesday at 5:15 pm in the meeting room to the west of the deck, Studio 2.


All are welcome to join in this sacred space.  1111 Carlisle SE, 87016


                                       Suggested donation $5-$20


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Game Night

6-9p in Studio 1

1st Wednesday of every month

Make a plan to come and join the fun!


We'll start at 6 pm, but feel free to come when you can. Newcomers are always welcome. Don't be shy if you don't know any games! We're always happy to introduce someone to a new game.

If there is a game you'd like to play, please let us know!


You can bring potluck food and beverage, order food to have it delivered, or bring your own snacks.

And bring a donation to help keep the lights on.

Have Fun, Play Games, Make Friends!

Donations welcome.


For more info, email Leanne at

Reflect Connect

Every 2nd Wednesday    
Studio 1- Bluroom

Relationship Enhancement (RE) skills practice group facilitated by Charey Fox and Irini Georgas.


This is a group for people to practice and receive coaching in skills relating to Relationship Enhancement. Beginners are welcome.




In Studio 1, the Bluroom, meeting room across from the deck at The Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE



Text to Charey 505-991-0839 or

Irini: 505:850-6050

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Every 3rd Wednesday
Neuro-Somatic Intelligence
6:30 Nervous System Regulation &
7:45 Somatic Self-Knowledge

in Studio 1 (across from deck)

No experience is necessary. Come as you are, learn and practice neuro-somatic techniques for managing stress, creating resilience and re-patterning old habits and cycles. Explore how your nervous system works with this simple and effective set of tools that can be easily duplicated and done by yourself at home! The greatest benefits for regulation and re-patterning come from a regular practice because the NSI tools have a cumulative effect on your body's capacity to handle stress and emotions. The advantage of practicing together in a welcoming community is to experience the co-regulation of others and to be reminded on a body and nervous system level that we are not alone in what we are going through. This can help the lesson to become more than just an intellectual understanding. ​ Come for either or both events and please feel free to come and go as you need to. If you have any questions you can contact Tyler at Donations are welcome $10-$30 recommended in person, Venmo, PayPal, or Square ​ Tyler Begg is a Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Practitioner and Trauma-Informed Life Skills coach with a background in Parts-work, counseling and Compassionate Inquiry. He is constantly learning and looking for practical, approachable, results-oriented methods of personal growth, and healing. If you want to meet privately you can book a free 45min consult online at

Plant Medicine
Psychedelic Integration Circle

Every Last Wednesday in Studio 1-Bluroom Donation

This is an experimental psychedelic/plant medicine integration container. Come anytime, but most benefit can come from consecutive sessions. ​ What is a psychedelic integration circle? This is a space where we honor the unseen within the world and the unseen within ourselves. The intention of an integration circle is to provide community, camaraderie, and support during one's assimilation process from an entheogenic (psychedelic) and plant medicine experience. It is a space to further connect to these medicine experiences, to be witnessed in doing so, and to anchor the insights gleaned deeper into our internal and external worlds. Here we share our stories, our experiences, our questions, and what feels most right in the moment. We understand that there may be more to life than the eye can see and that truth is relative. We honor and respect each other’s perspectives and life experiences, we extend compassion and kindness to each other, and we aim to learn more about ourselves and this human experience. Let’s make more room for the unseen ✨

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The SourceForest Garden Group

 Every Thursday 10 am to 12 pm
Located at 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106

We meet weekly to chat, work, and learn together. The SourceForest is a permaculture, food forest project hosted by our guide, Eric Garretson, a lifelong multi-generational farmer, gardener, landscaper, and foodscaper.  All ages and levels of skill are welcome. Free


• What to bring
water bottle, gloves if you can, your favorite tools if you like, sunscreen, enthusiasm, curiosity, questions…

• Donations are always welcome, $, seeds, plants, tools, jokes,…..

• RSVP by text to Charey 505-991-0839

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Third Thursday Open Poetry Mic

Come join Holly Wilson and friends every third Thursday at The Source for open mic poetry.

Come at 6 to sign up in Studio One aka "The Blue Room"


Donations are gratefully received.

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Every 1st Saturday

Wellness And The Art Of Expression


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Drumming For Peace

Every 4th Saturday 3-5p

Studio 2

This is a drum circle with the intention of sending out a prayer for peace to the universe.


Participants will drum to various uplifting rhythms while envisioning a peaceful end to wars and suffering, and other catastrophic events. Other intentions will include sending out love to our Earth mother and prays for rain in beautiful New Mexico.


Bring drums or other percussion instruments that you have. Some drums and other instruments available.  Dancers are also welcome.

Donations are greatly appreciated.


Community Sound

Every Last Sunday 2-3:30p

Studio 2

Singing Bowl Sound Healing by Tifani Vincent


​Show up for yourself every last Sunday afternoon.


Welcome to TogetherSource where our Sound Alchemist, Tifani Vincent, will be providing us a compassionate space for healing with a beautiful bath of celestial sounds. Vibrational Frequencies of the crystal singing bowls can help you reach a theta brain state for relaxation, release, cellular healing, lowering of blood pressure and anxiety, and the occasional visual stimulation!


Energy exchange of $20 suggested
(Nobody turned away for lack of funds.)

Come hydrated and early to get your spot. Bring a blanket, yoga mat, pillow, and/or any comfort item you may want and be prepared to sit or lay down for about an hour. Yoga mats provided.


Studio 2 is just West of the deck on the patio.

Community Sound Bath by Tifani Vincent.avif
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